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October 16, 2019

Study identifies 3 sports with highest concussion rates

A new study published this week in the journal Pediatrics found that concussion rates in football games are on the rise. However, the rates of football practice concussions and recurrent concussion in all sports have declined. The study included...

screenshot CLF PSA
October 14, 2019

PSA compares youth tackle football to smoking cigarettes

The Concussion Legacy Foundation last week unveiled its "Tackle Can Wait" PSA, comparing the dangers of youth tackle football to smoking cigarettes. The Boston-based organization hopes to change how we handle and understand concussions in sports. ...

youth sports
September 25, 2019

Study: Sport specialization comes with increased risk for injury

From Brown University A new study finds that kids who specialize in a chosen sport tend to engage in higher levels of vigorous exercise than their peers and may be more likely to sustain injuries, such as stress fractures, tendinitis and ACL tears...

August 28, 2019

Building the best strength program with the right coach

Strength and conditioning is a greater focus in high schools today, as more coaches have learned its value to athletics. Darnell Clark, director of strength and conditioning at Charlotte Country Day School in North Carolina, has been at his job fo...

August 1, 2019

Is it heat exhaustion or a concussion?

{Sponsored} The news is full of stories of sports-related concussions and how they impact health. Coaches and parents are going to great lengths to reduce student-athletes’ risk of brain injuries. However, a hidden danger lurks this time of year, a...

July 28, 2019

Tips for creating a sanitary environment for athletes

Schools would be amazed at what a difference a clean facility can make. They might be more surprised by what can happen if they neglect their duty to create a sanitary, safe atmosphere. Part of the equation is the cleaning products and methods use...

July 28, 2019

MRSA: What you need to know

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a potentially dangerous type of staph bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics and may cause skin and other infections. As with all regular staph infections, recognizing the signs and rec...

rugby action
July 17, 2019

Study: Rugby-style tackling may have lower force of impact than football style

From the American Academy of Neurology The style of tackling used in rugby may be associated with a lower force of impact than the style used in football, according to a preliminary study of college athletes released Tuesday. The study will be pre...

baseball player on field
July 11, 2019

Colorado mandates mental health training for all coaches

Colorado high school coaches will now be required to take a course that improves their abilities to help student-athletes who may be struggling with mental health difficulties. The Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) adopted the re...

strength training squat
July 1, 2019

Powerline: Conducting a year-end evaluation

[caption id="attachment_27968" align="aligncenter" width="491"] Photo: Ken Mannie[/caption] As the regular school year unwinds, and with summer training procedures on the horizon, it’s an opportune time to evaluate your strength and conditioning p...