Join Wesley Sykes, the managing editor of Coach & AD, Training & Conditioning, and Winning Hoops, as he talks with athletic administrators, coaches, athletic trainers about their jobs, their philosophies, current trends in athletic industries, and more!

Wesley Sykes is the managing editor of the Coach & AD, Training & Conditioning, and Winning Hoops brands. With more than a dozen years in sports journalism, Wesley earned his degree in communications from Hofstra University. His work has brought him inside NFL and NBA locker rooms, MLB and collegiate dugouts, and high school gymnasiums. Follow him on Twitter: @WesleySykes_, @coach_ad, @traincondition, & @winninghoops!

Andre Lachance & JF Menard, Authors of ‘Team Chemistry’ Episode #33 — April 21, 2022

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by Andre Lachance and Jean Francois Menard to discuss the new book 'Team Chemistry,' how to predict and mold team chemistry to your coaching ideals, and working with players to gain a mental edge during competition.

Steve Flanagan & Arash Izadi, Directors of LPA Sports + Recreation Episode #32 — March 10, 2022

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by Steve Flanagan and Arash Izadi, Directors of LPA’s Sports & Recreation and Higher Education practices, to discuss ongoing trends in the athletic facility industry at the high school, collegiate, professional, and recreational levels.

Angelo Gingerelli, Seton Hall assistant strength coach Episode #31 — February 24, 2022

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by Seton Hall's assistant strength coach Angelo Gingerelli. They discuss his latest book "Finish Strong: Resistance Training for Endurance Athletes", prioritizing core strength, preparing high school athletes for the college schedule, and more.

Dr. David Hoch, Retired CMAA Episode #30 — February 10, 2022

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by Dr. David Hoch, retired CMAA. He is the author of Coach & A.D. Magazine's A.D.ministration column as the new book "The Parents' Guide to Education-Based Athletics: Everything They Should & Need to Know."

Jen Brooks, CMAA, Athletic Director at Ursuline (MO) Academy Episode #29 — January 27, 2022

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by Jen Brooks, CMAA, athletic director at Ursuline Academy in St. Louis, MO. The two discuss her organization The Global Community of Women in Sports, the current landscape of the A.D. profession, and more.

Rob Miller, Proactive Coaching Partner & Motivational Speaker — Part III Episode #28 — January 14, 2022

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined once again by Rob Miller of Proactive Coaching to discuss goal-setting for the new year, "fifth-year" seniors, instilling attitudes of gratitude in your players, and more.

Sam Schilling, Offensive Coordinator at Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech Episode #27 — December 30, 2021

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by Sam Schilling, offensive coordinator at Greater New Bedford (MA) Voc-Tech High School to discuss his early coaching career, offensive play-calling, and more.

Chip Sigmon, Mike Gentry, & Jerry Palmieri Episode #27 — December 16, 2021

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by veteran strength coaches Chip Sigmon, Mike Gentry, and Jerry Palmieri to discuss their part in the book 'The Golden Age of Strength & Conditioning.'

The Return of Rob Miller, Proactive Coaching Partner & Motivational Speaker with Rob Miller, Proactive Coaching Partner & Motivational Speaker Episode #26 — November 18, 2021

In the latest episode, Wesley welcomes back Rob Miller, Proactive Coaching partner, and motivational speaker, to discuss his best practices for fall coaches ending their seasons and winter coaches starting theirs.

Zachary Shank, Neuse Christian (NC) Academy Athletic Director Episode #25 — November 04, 2021

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by Zachary Shank, Neuse Christian Academy athletic director in North Carolina. Shank was Coach & Athletic Director's Sports Under 40 September honoree.

Ken Sayles, former Capistrano (CA) Valley High School Cross Country Coach with Ken Sayles, former Capistrano (CA) Valley High School Cross Country Coach Episode #24 — October 28, 2021

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by Ken Sayles, former Capistrano (CA) Valley High School cross country coach, and author of the new book "Coach, Run, Win."

Rob Miller, Proactive Coaching Partner & Motivational Speaker with Rob Miller, Proactive Coaching Partner & Motivational Speaker Episode #23 — October 07, 2021

In the latest episode, Wesley is joined by Rob Miller, Proactive Coaching partner and motivational speaker to discuss his best practices for coaches and his new column with Coach & AD Magazine, Coaching for Significance.