Coaching »
Strength training principles for football athletes
Football is the greatest team sport in the entire world. It’s the most violent, intense, mentally and physically demanding game there is. As in life, one can’t be successful by themselves. It takes a team of young men from different background...
De Anza track & field athletes speak out on lack of support
Track and field student-athletes from De Anza College in California were joined by coaches and alumni to air their grievances about the athletic department's handling of various pending legal investigations stemming from their 2023 season. The tra...
SafeSport unveils 2024 Athlete Culture & Climate survey
The U.S. Center for SafeSport recently launched the 2024 Athlete Culture and Climate Survey. The survey is intended to solicit input from adult athletes across all levels of sport related to any experiences of abuse or misconduct while participating ...
Illinois HS coaching staff fired after player elbowed opponent in face
An Illinois boys varsity coaching staff has been fired for the actions of one of its players during a holiday tournament. Josh Bradley and his Eldorado High School varsity boys basketball coaching staff were fired at a special meeting of the schoo...
Lacrosse becomes official TSSAA varsity sport
The Legislative Council of the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) held a special meeting last year to address two agenda items involving the sanctioning of Lacrosse and to discuss implementation issues related to the recent chang...
NYC girls basketball team used antisemitic language towards Jewish team
A high school girls basketball game in New York City was cut short when players from Roosevelt High School used antisemitic language towards players on the Leffell School. Last week, the two schools faced off in a non-league contest before the Lef...
Illinois med student helping bridge the gap in concussion research for high schoolers
New research from the Carle Illinois College of Medicine suggests there are new ways to improve detecting concussions in high school student-athletes. A recent story from detailed the research being done at the Carle Illinois College of M...
Tennessee teacher, coach accused of sexual harassment
A Tennessee high school teacher and baseball coach has been under investigation and subsequently disciplined following allegations of inappropriate conduct toward female students. Jacob Witter, who taught at Rockwood (TN) High School and coached b...
5 components of a strong off-season training program
The main purpose of the off-season training schedule is to help improve your on-field performance. For field sport athletes such as American football that means balancing a whole array of different training qualities. You might think that it is en...
Texas soccer coach accused of using school credit card at strip club
A former assistant coach of a Texas high school is accused of using the school district's credit card to charge more than $5,000 at a Houston strip club, according to authorities. JD Bales, a former employee of the Bridgeport Independent School Di...