NCHSAA ejections have doubled in last four years

The North Carolina High School Atheltic Association (NCHSAA) discussed the alarming amount of student-athletes and coaches being ejected from gameplay during a recent meeting of the Board of Directors.

Earlier this week, NCHSAA commissioner Que Tucker said the number of ejections has nearly doubled in the last four years.

nchsaaMany blame the attitude towards referees as a major factor.

A recent story from Yahoo! Sports detailed the meeting by the NCHSAA. Below is an excerpt from the Yahoo! Sports story.

Chad Duncan, director of athletics for Gaston County Schools, said while the problem is growing, it’s not seen in all sports.

“There’s a general lack of respect being shown in many of these cases,” said Duncan, chair of the NCHSAA board’s Review and Officiating Committee.

Two bright spots, Duncan said, are in lacrosse and girls’ softball, where the number of ejections has dropped.

NCHSAA directors also discussed spectator behavior during Tuesday’s meeting.

They delayed a decision on having basketball referees wear body cameras, saying they want to look for possible ways of funding the technology.

And they learned that adding a 365-day ban from sporting events for unruly spectators won’t be necessary — because it’s already part of NCHSAA policy.

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Duncan said strengthening the wording in the NCHSAA manual could take care of the problem.

Brian Carver, a board member and athletics director at Enka High School, said something must be done about spectators who don’t follow the rules.

“We’ve had six incidents in which a fan left the stands and confronted an official,” he said.

To read the full story from Yahoo! Sports, click here.