athletic director

April 2, 2015

A.D.ministration: The importance of supervision

This fall, two high school football hazing and bullying incidents caught the nation’s attention. While the mere occurrence of these unspeakable acts was extremely disturbing, it’s also alarming that many still haven’t gotten the message that ha...


Finding the Best Coaching Candidates

Kevin Bryant, CMAA, Thrive Athletic Consulting, discusses how athletic directors should go about finding the best candidates for their vacant coaching positions....


Who is responsible for hiring assistant coaches?

Dr. David Hoch, CMAA, discusses how coaches and athletic administrators should go about hiring assistant coaches for individual teams....


The Value of Supporting Your Athletes

Dr. David Hoch, CMAA, discusses how athletic administrators can overcome the challenges of having to be everywhere at once, supporting all of their programs equally....

February 23, 2015

A.D.ministration: Hazing continues to be a problem

With all the articles, position statements and presentations that have been produced over the years, one might think that hazing has been thoroughly addressed. For a long time, we heard very little about it. This fall, however, high school footbal...

January 20, 2015

A.D.ministration: Is your job safe?

10 ideas to create job security in the athletic director position In March, an athletic administrator was asked to stop down at the principal’s office. Within seconds of sitting down, the athletic director was bluntly informed that he would not be...

October 7, 2014

Reader Survey: Concussions and Michigan football

Coach and Athletic Director is conducting a reader survey on the recent situation with the Michigan football program and whether coaches and athletic administrators feel their athletes are adequately protected. The survey is just six questions l...

October 3, 2014

Cutting the cord: Apps, software ideas for athletic programs

With the rapid growth in technology, coaches and athletic administrators have unlimited resources at their fingertips. And oftentimes, that's not necessarily a blessing. Whether it's managing team records or helping your pitcher with his curveball...