Two Fights Breakout Between Refs, Fans, & Coaches during AAU Tournaments
Two AAU basketball referees were involved in physical altercations during summer tournaments in the midwest over the last weekend.In Oklahoma, a referee knocked out a male spectator after issuing a technical foul to a coach for stepping out onto the court and headbutting the ref, according to various media reports.
Then, in Kansas City, an AAU coach and a tournament referee exchanged blows before an ensuing brawl took place, according to a report from are excerpts from the and‘s reports on both issues.
Videos from inside the Score OKC Sports Center in Edmond, Oklahoma show the moment the coach walks onto the [court] after the ref’s call and headbutts the official, who immediately swings at the man.
We’ve acquired more video from the fight at The Score on Saturday night. It looks like a coach was the instigator, and a ref took a swing. The guy who was leveled by another ref was possibly trying to keep the peace.
— The Lost Ogle (@TheLostOgle) July 18, 2022
A brawl ensues on the court, and when the ref appears cornered by two people away from the crowd, his partner rushes in and sucker punches a man, knocking him out and putting an end to the chaos.
“I was there on the other court,” the attendee said. ‘This was all over a tech the coach received then he came on the floor and headbutted the ref instead of leaving the floor.
‘The score was 28-26,” the attendee said of the coach’s team. ‘They were winning, now the whole organization loses.”