high school sports

April 30, 2015

USA Football offers equipment grants for schools

Football programs looking to upgrade their equipment might want to consider applying for a USA Football grant. Youth, middle school and high school football programs can apply now through May 31. Grants are based on need, merit and a program's com...

April 29, 2015

Pennsylvania boys tennis team DQ’ed for using a girl

A boys high school tennis team in Pennsylvania was forced to forfeit a handful of matches and its section title for using a girl during competition. California Area High School has teams for both boys and girls, so the Western Pennsylvania Inters...

April 27, 2015

Indiana to consider implementing ‘past-link’ rule

The Indiana High School Athletic Association may consider implementing a new rule that would strengthen penalties on some student-athlete transfers. Referred to as the "past-link" rule, student-athletes would be ineligible for 365 days if it's est...

April 20, 2015

A.D.ministration: Promoting ethics in high school sports

The concept of ethics is really fairly easy to define. In simple terms, it's doing what is right — not one time, but all the time and under all conditions. The problems come with interpretations and personalities, and athletics, by nature, is ex...

April 17, 2015

Texas close to requiring EKG screenings for athletes

Texas is on the verge of becoming the first state to require electrocardiogram heart screenings for high school student-athletes. [caption id="attachment_11766" align="alignright" width="259"] Texas may soon require EKG screenings for high school...

April 17, 2015

Ill. senator introduces bill to improve protection for athletes

An Illinois senator on Thursday introduced legislation that would improve the process of identifying and treating concussions in young athletes nationwide. [caption id="attachment_11620" align="alignright" width="250"] Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) has ...

April 16, 2015

Survey: Does hazing take place in your school?

In March, Coach and Athletic Director asked readers whether they believed or had knowledge of hazing in their athletic programs. Respondents' identities are anonymous, but the results show that just one-quarter of athletic administrators and coaches...

April 9, 2015

Trap shooting setting record numbers in Minnesota

Lacrosse might have the reputation as the nation's fastest growing sport, but in Minnesota that crown belongs to trap shooting. The Minnesota State High School Clay Target League (MSHSCTL) registered more than 8,600 student-athletes this spring, a...