Study: 80% of Nebraska officials quit within first three years
The survey found the most common reason given for leaving the position was poor sportsmanship.

“Harsh reality is they’re not very good yet; they’re learning,” he said. “And they get run off because of a negative experience or something of that nature. Or they get put in a game that was overwhelming to them.”
Ray Manske, an officiate for baseball and basketball games, said he’s been doing the job since he was 15 years old.
He said he enjoys training younger officials, but it’s not for the faint of heart.
“They’re just not battle-tested enough, and you have to develop some very tough skin,” he said. “Learn what to address, what not to, what to ignore.”
Manske said the last thing he wants to do is eject spectators, coaches, or players from the game, but the environment around sporting events can get emotional.
He said judging close plays puts a lot of pressure on an official to make the right call.
“Out of the 100% of people that are there, you’re going to make 50% of them happy,” he said.