Sports Medicine »


August 1, 2023

Recovery, Rest, and Reset

Practicing and training for sport can take its toll on the body. From years of accumulation of volume from competition, naturally, athletes’ bodies will form different types of imbalances that allow them to play at a high level. If left unchecked o...

July 24, 2023

Study compares hydration levels of milk to other drinks

A hydrating, replenishing sports beverage is probably already sitting in your refrigerator. A study from Scotland’s St. Andrews University compared the hydration from several different drinks, and found that beverages with a little bit of suga...

July 18, 2023

McMaster Univ. study shares best weight training practices

A study by McMaster University kinesiologists found that whether using heavy or light weights, lifting them as much as possible builds strength and muscle. The kinesiologists studied many of the popular variables when it comes to resistance traini...

July 18, 2023

UTSA to study well-being programs for NCAA student-athletes

Each day, collegiate student-athletes navigate the labyrinth of sports and academia while overcoming physical and mental hurdles. University of Texas San Antonio faculty members Seok Kang (communication) and Adel Alaeddini (mechanical engineering)...

June 27, 2023

Using A.I. to implement training programs at scale

Sarah Ray is the head of business development at Volt Athletics. She has over a decade of experience coaching and managing programs within performance athletics, corporate wellness, and population health — from NFL Combine training camps to postpar...

June 26, 2023

Chiefs ATC inducted into NATA Hall of Fame

Kansas City Chiefs head athletic trainer Rick Burkholder earned yet another award last week. After earning a Super Bowl title with the Chiefs in February, Burkholder — along with six others — was inducted into the National Athletic Trainers' A...

June 21, 2023

Researchers find new link between sleep and concussions

A new study led by Flinders University points to the importance of sleep quality in the aftermath and recovery process of sports-related concussions, a common form of mild traumatic brain injury. Results from a study published in Nature and Sci...

June 12, 2023

Heather Arabitg’s love for the profession shines through her commitment

Since high school, Heather Arabitg knew she wanted to be a physical therapist. An avid soccer player at an all-girls high school, she was introduced to the idea of athletic training by her soccer coach.  “My soccer coach said to me, ‘You play...

June 12, 2023

Doctors: Sports medicine must break cycle of gender bias

Sports and exercise medicine must up its game to break the cycle of gender bias in the specialty, urge an international group of doctors in an editorial in the open access journal BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. The dearth of women in all...

June 12, 2023

Study suggests headers in soccer not as harmful as originally thought

A new study suggests soccer ‘headers’ may not cause irrevocable harm damage — as long as the technique is properly taught. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) studied the repetitive impacts of headers by athletes using six diffe...