Athletic Administration »

Helping Whenever It Is Needed!
Athletes, coaches, administrators, booster clubs, and even teachers within the school building are often called upon for help.Such requests are quite normal and usually make us feel that we should do our best to pitch in and help.It is not a simple-m...

Help with the Recruiting Process
PRINT EMAIL Perhaps due to the escalating costs of a college education or simply a desire to help their child, more parents than ever are seeking help with the college athletic recruiting process.While the high school coach should continue to play an...

Game scheduling basics for coaches, athletic administrators
What’s so hard about scheduling games? The phone rings and you simply plug in the first, second, and third teams that call. You’re done in a jiffy. If it were only that simple. There are, however, a number of considerations to this seemingly s...

For Better Organization
PRINT EMAIL The athletic directors in Baltimore County were recently given a new responsibility that lengthened their schedule by approximately 20 hours.It wasn’t anything extraordinary. The allocation of extra duties happens frequently in athl...