Survey: Readers say ‘no’ to sanctioning esports

September 19, 2017 / Athletic Administration
Last month, Coach & Athletic Director asked readers whether esports (video gaming) should be a sanctioned high school sports. There’s currently a movement in Illinois to sanction esports within the next two years.

Here are the results of our two-question poll, along with some responses from readers.

Do you believe competitive gaming should be a state-sanctioned high school sport?

  • Yes: 7%
  • No: 93%

“Kids and young adults are not fully mature emotionally and usually have a hard time setting limits to themselves,” one reader said. “Video games in the US is a billion-dollar industry adept at capturing the minds, hearts and minds, and most importantly, their wallets, without any real concern for a young person’s well-being, psychologically and physiologically. It is a past time that should be kept as such.

“Playing basketball on a video screen does not in any way whatsoever compare to playing basketball on a real basketball court. Goes the same with any sport. That being said, the question really is why do it in the first place? Why make playing video games a “sport?” To what end? Would it be healthy to the school experience? What effects would it have on the scholastic aptitude and attitudes of high school students? Will this make them study more or study less? Will it make them more sociable or socially inept? Definitely, study should be made. I’m guessing the cons outweigh the pros.”

What best describes your opinion of video games?

  • I’m indifferent: 43.75%
  • They’re detrimental to education and should not be in our schools: 31.25%
  • They can be a great instrument for teaching/learning technical skills: 25%

“Video games do not teach values,” one reader said. “It is a world upon itself. A player always has his own console and usually never shares it with others. There goes teamwork. Pushing a few buttons does not make any person a better player in any sport. I find it quite ridiculous. Of course, there’ll be a movement but schools have to stand their ground. Schools are there to educate and not a place to play video games even when it’s being touted by whatever movement as a ‘sport.'”

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