Ohio State Assistant Fighting For Airline Safety

December 10, 2009 / Winning Hoops
Ohio State basketball assistant Kevin Kuwik is at the forefront of attempting to make the skies safer for travel. On Feb. 12 of this year, Kuwik’s girlfriend, Lori Mauer, passed away in a plane crash in Buffalo, which killed 45 people. Kuwik has been attending Senate hearings on airline safety, as well as organizing meetings with the victims’ families and congressional offices.


Ohio State Assistant Fighting For Airline Safety

Ohio State basketball assistant Kevin Kuwik is at the forefront of attempting to make the skies safer for travel. On Feb. 12 of this year, Kuwik’s girlfriend, Lori Mauer, passed away in a plane crash in Buffalo, which killed 45 people. Kuwik has been attending Senate hearings on airline safety, as well as organizing meetings with the victims’ families and congressional offices.
