Excessive contact rule in HS hoops now includes all ball handlers
The rule created in 2014 prohibited excessive contact on ball handlers and dribblers outside of the lane area. Beginning next season, excessive contact on any ball handler will be a violation of the rules.
From the NFHS:The new language states that “a player becomes a ball-handler when he/she receives the ball. This would include a player in a post position.”
The acts that constitute a foul when committed against a ball-handler are a) placing two hands on the player, b) placing an extended arm bar on the player, c) placing and keeping a hand on the player and d) contacting the player more than once with the same hand or alternating hands.
“The current rule covers the ball-handler/dribbler situations but ignores the action that goes on in the post area with the hands, arm bars, etc.,” said Theresia Wynns, NFHS director of sports and officials. “The additional language will clarify that the illegal acts should be ruled for every position on the floor.”
For more information on rule change and additional actions taken by the Basketball Rules Committee, click here.