Volleyball »
Active Ankle Challenge Tournaments 2012 Schedule Announced
Gardner, KS (August 22, 2012)—Active Ankle Systems, Inc. will once again sponsor the Active Ankle Challenge Volleyball Tournaments that are being hosted by collegiate teams across the country this fall. This is the 4th year for this serie...
Sand Volleyball Starting In Arizona
The Republic, Richard Oberthttp://www.azcentral.com/sports/preps/articles/2012/03/21/20120321sand-volleyball-tried-by-schools-inaugural-season.htmlThey show up about 45 minutes before match time. Some come in caravans. Some in a bus. Some on their ow...
Volleyball Coach Tries To Explain Classroom Porn Gaffe
Boston Herald, Laura Crimaldi
http://news.bostonherald.com/news/regional/view/2011_0401i_panicked_i_was_in_shock_wayne_lemex-wellesley_high_coach_resigns_claims_video_showing_was_accident/srvc=home&position=5A Wellesley High School volleybal...
Volleyball Coach Picked For ’Extreme Makeover: Home Edition’
Jacksonville.com (Fla.)
MIDDLEBURG - Joshua Garrett watched as girlfriend Ashley Brewer stepped off the "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" bus Wednesday with designer Michael Moloney and walked to her tiny home on North Chicory Avenue in Clay Coun...
Volleyball Team Rallying For Coach Battling Cancer
The Hartford CourantCOVENTRY — —Britney Curtis first knew something was wrong when she got a text message from her volleyball coach in August. The message, she said, went something like: "I’m unable to coach this season. I know you&...
Volleyball Coach With 444-67 Record Stepping Down
The Standard Times (New Bedford, Mass.) Sometimes, despite all the inspiring stories and triumphant moments and emotional happenings of a coach’s career, the single best way to sum things up are with cold, hard numbers. And so it is for Steve...
Parent Charged With Assault Against Volleyball Coach
From The Jamestown Sun (Minn.)
HASTINGS, Minn. – A woman here was charged with fifth-degree assault Monday night after shoving a volleyball coach at Hastings High School.According to a Hastings Police Department report, Kerrie Wichern was ...
Volleyball: Using your middle blocker
Next to the libero, the middle blocker is the most important defensive player on the floor, said Mike Hebert, the successful former head women's volleyball coach at the University of Minnesota. An awful lot of what goes on defensively is determ...
H.S. Volleyball Coach Wins 900th Match
From the State Journal-Register (Springfield, Ill.)When Donna Dulle took over as volleyball coach at Mount Pulaski High School in 1981, the school was looking for a little continuity in the program. “They’d had a different coach come in e...
Former DSU volleyball coach Dave Moody has been named to the NAIA Hall of Fame
Former Dickinson State volleyball coach Dave Moody has been named to the NAIA Hall of Fame.In his 18-year career as head coach, Moody shaped DSU volleyball into one of the most successful athletic programs in the university’s history. He guided...