Swimming »


October 5, 2012

Trend Shows More Female A.D.s At High School Level

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mike Whitehttp://old.post-gazette.com/pg/12279/1266740-364.stmThe new athletic director at Seneca Valley High School occasionally likes to talk shop with the football coaches.That isn’t unusual, because that’s wha...

September 27, 2012

Budget Cuts Create More Need For Volunteer Coaches

York Dispatch (N.Y.), John Walkhttp://www.yorkdispatch.com/specialreports/ci_21643311The same number of athletes are still out on the playing fields.And they’re still learning from the same number of coaches, although more and more coaches are ...

August 22, 2012

USC Athletics Moves Forward With $300M Fundraising Initiative

USCTrojans.com, http://www.usctrojans.com/genrel/082112aab.htmlThe USC athletic department, one of the nation’s most successful and storied collegiate athletic programs, has launched a $300 million fundraising drive called the "Heritage Initiat...

August 22, 2012

Bob Jenkyns: Maintaining Success From The Ground Up

  Bob Jenkyns,Boys Swimming   Participation in Arrowhead’s boys swimming program doesn’t start at high school. It begins years prior, when children in grade school slowly begin to develop the necessary skills in a count...

August 22, 2012

Jennifer Pollnow: 24-Hour Relay Builds Team And Character

Jennifer Pollnow,Girls Swimming   Coaches love team-building exercises. With high school programs that involve athletes competing at multiple levels, they help promote team unity, develop leadership and increase community awar...

August 22, 2012

Jennifer Pollnow: Teaching Leadership Also A Lessons For Coaches

Jennifer Pollnow, Girls Swimming   Jennifer Pollnow, Arrowhead’s varsity girls swimming coach, sees more to her job than simply helping her athletes trim seconds off their event times. She wants to help them become better peop...

August 22, 2012

Jenkyns: Staying On Top, Staying United

Bob Jenkyns, Head Boys Swim Coach at Arrowhead High School (Hartland, Wis.), discusses how he keeps his team united, avoids complacency and strives to maintain a high level of talent year after year....

August 21, 2012

District Suspends Athletic Eligibility Policy, Still Not Enough Players For Football

Press And Guide (Mich.), Katie Hetrickhttp://www.pressandguide.com/articles/2012/08/21/news/doc503382f464560521074572.txt?viewmode=fullstoryDEARBORN HEIGHTS — Annapolis High School will not field a varsity football team this year after too few ...

July 13, 2012

Caltech Athletics Hit With NCAA Penalties

Pasadena Star Newshttp://www.pasadenastarnews.com/sports/ci_21066301/caltech-athletics-program-hit-penalties-by-ncaaPASADENA - Another storied Southern California university has joined the USC Trojans under the hammer of NCAA sanctions.The UCLA Bruin...

July 2, 2012

Maryland Officially Cuts 7 Sports; Keeps Men’s Outdoor Track Team

Washington Post, Mark Giannottohttp://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/terrapins-insider/post/maryland-officially-cuts-seven-sports-mens-outdoor-track-and-field-spared-for-now/2012/07/02/gJQAjbsFIW_blog.htmlMaryland has officially discontinued seven of i...