December 26, 2012 • Baseball Coaching

Baseball, Service & Life Lessons In The Dominican Republic

Program Of ExcellenceBison

Baseball, Service & Life Lessons In The Dominican Republic

The Overlake School (Redmond, Wash.) is part of the inaugural class of the Interscholastic Program of Excellence from Coach And Athletic Director. One of the many reasons why The Overlake School won in the category for private schools with an enrollment less than 500 is its community service. Check out a video from baseball coach Mike Davidson and athletic director John Wiley about the team’s trip to the Dominican Republic, the service provided there and the lessons learned to help show all athletic directors and coaches the value in a trip like this. This video series is sponsored by Bison, a leading manufacturer of sports equipment based out of Lincoln, Neb.

For more tips and strategies working at The Overlake School, as well as the other three members of the inaugural Program of Excellence class, visit the home page for this video series.