youth sports

fall sports
October 23, 2017

Researchers say concussion laws are making a difference

A new analysis published by the American Journal of Public Health has found that laws and other preventative measures used in the fight against concussions are making a difference. [caption id="attachment_14540" align="alignright" width="252"] P...

athletic trainer injury
October 20, 2017

Massachusetts lawmakers reviewing concussion proposals

Massachusetts' Joint Committee on Public Health began hearing testimony this week on a number of proposals that would address concussions in high school and youth sports. Six different bills have been put forward by state lawmakers. One would cre...

September 21, 2017

Delivering criticism to athletes

I recently asked a group of coaches to give me their main challenges with athletes. Almost immediately, the majority of coaches agreed they see many athletes shut down upon receiving negative feedback or criticism. They believed the biggest influence...

September 19, 2017

Study: Children under 12 shouldn’t play tackle football

A study released Tuesday concluded that children who participate in tackle football before the age of 12 are at a greater risk for incurring later-life brain issues. The study was published in the peer-reviewed journal Translational Psychiatry. It...

September 6, 2017

Study: Participation in youth sports continues to decline

Nationwide participation in youth sports is down nearly 8 percent over the last decade, according to a new study published by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association and The Aspen Institute. In 2008, close to 45 percent of kids ages 6 to 12 ...

youth sports
April 27, 2017

Five key ways volunteers contribute to youth sports

By Scott Hallenbeck, USA Football CEO & Executive Director   Volunteers are influential, powerful and game-changing. They foster positive experiences for student-athletes so they can acquire the inherent values football teaches. Without them, t...

April 24, 2017

Study highlights pressure in youth sports

A new study examining youth sports takes a close look at the pressure kids face and how it contributes to declining participation. Yellowbrick in Illinois surveyed 1,000 Americans to get a sense of how the pressure to succeed in youth sports has...

April 18, 2017

The dangers of elitism with youth, high school athletes

The dark side of youth and high school sports occurs in the shadows. The root cause is “elitism” — the marketing of 9-year-old players as “all stars,” the parental boasting of their kid's talent, and the social validation children receiv...