youth sports

June 30, 2020

USA Football Releases Guidelines for Youth Sports Return

USA Football has devised its own phased approach to resuming youth football this season amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an article in the New York Times. Based on the guidelines given by the CDC, USA Football first advises its youth leagu...

June 29, 2020

5 Basketball Drills For Youth Players

As sports, and basketball, prepare to resume athletic activities amid the COVID-19 pandemic, players have taken their team workouts and altered them to be done individually in a park or driveway. As restrictions begin to soften as it pertains to spo...

sports education
June 3, 2020

Study: Preventative Measures Needed In Return of Youth Sports

According to a new nationwide study, parents believe preventative measures must be raised in order to have the proper return of youth sports. Grand Park Sports Campus in Westfield, Indiana, in conjunction with the IUPUI Sports Innovation Institute...

youth sports
May 27, 2020

Survey: Parents feel comfortable with kids returning to play in fall

According to a new study, parents feel far more comfortable to allow their children to travel and compete in sports in the fall as opposed to this month. The study, conducted by the Huddle Up Group, a sports tourism consultancy based in Phoenix, A...

May 27, 2020

How COVID-19 pandemic affects referees

The aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic on the country's economy are beginning to hit the already fragile state of high school and youth referees. The number of sports officials is decreasing nationwide, according to Ohio University's Online Mast...

October 10, 2019

Parent behavior blamed for New Mexico’s soccer referee shortage

Youth soccer games across New Mexico are being canceled in record numbers, and league leaders say abusive parents are the cause. Dave Lauben, who oversees scheduling for high school games, told KOAT in Albuquerque that there are now 85 referees a...

April 19, 2018

NSGA participation study shows decline in youth team sports

Participation in team sports by children age 7 to 17 showed a 5.8 percent decline in 2017 according to the latest data released by the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA). The 2018 edition of Sports Participation in the U.S. revealed a s...

November 8, 2017

Study: Specialization increases risk of serious injury

Year-round specialization does not improve an athletes chances of playing professionally. Instead, according to a new study, it increases the risk of serious injury. The latest report confirms what dozens of studies have already concluded in recen...