youth sports

November 11, 2021

Leadership Issues Facing Youth Sports

Growing up, I played roller hockey with the neighborhood kids. We played without the watchful eye of a coach or parent. Never once was I corrected for the litany of “mistakes” I made every day. When disagreements occurred, no coach or parent was ...

August 7, 2021

Study: 9 in 10 Parents Cite Mental Health as Top Reason Kids Play Sports

TeamSnap, which provides industry-leading sports management and communication software for amateur sports, released the results today of its research study produced in collaboration with The Aspen Institute's Sports & Society Program, Families ...

youth sports
August 4, 2021

Study: Reduced Head Impacts Among Youth Football Players

According to a study conducted by Sanford Research, there's been a 79 percent reduction in head impacts after studying a youth football team for eight consecutive seasons. The study, entitled "Head Impact Exposure of a Youth Football Team over Eig...

July 26, 2021

Fundraising Outside the Box

New equipment, fresh uniforms, travel expenses, referee costs, strength and conditioning training tools — all of these things need to be bought and paid for to help athletic programs be successful.  Unfortunately, there has yet to be a discover...

July 21, 2021

Fostering Intrinsic Motivation in Youth Athletes

In “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us”, Daniel Pink argues that creative, non-routine work is best achieved when incentives provide workers with autonomy, mastery, and purpose.  The solutions to game situations are far from ...

March 3, 2021

Generation Alpha Prefers Soccer, Basketball, Football over Baseball

U.S. professional football and basketball have a future, baseball needs help and global soccer, including Major League Soccer, is quickly rising among a new generation, according to a new survey. According to a recent report from the Morning Consu...

November 11, 2020

Survey: LA Girls Play More Sports Than Rest of Nation

A recent survey suggests that the rate of girls in the Los Angeles area participating in youth sports is growing at a higher rate than the national average. The results of the "2020 Los Angeles County Youth Sports Participation Survey for Play Equ...

October 1, 2020

Study: Early Sports Participation in Girls Show Improved Attentiveness

A new Canadian study suggests that girls — and not boys — who participate actively in school sports in middle childhood show improved behavior and attentiveness in early adolescence. The study was published in "Preventative Medicine" and led b...