Team Sports Strategies
Minimizing the Negative Effects of Pay-to-Play Fees
Rockford High School (Rockford, Mich.) Athletic Director Tim Erickson discusses the school’s pay-to-play fee and why he believes it hasn’t affected his department’s participation numbers. ...
Athletic Directors to Receive NIAAA Distinguished Service Award
The National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association will present nine athletic directors with the 2013 Distinguished Service Award in recognition of their length of service, accomplishments and contributions to interscholastic sports. Th...
Challenges in Getting Athletes Involved in Multiple Sports
Rockford High School (Rockford, Mich.) girls track coach Randy Vanderveen discusses the challenges in getting athletes to participate in multiple sports. ...
Making Your Events Safe for Spectators
Jay Hammes, the athletic director at Racine Horlick High School (Racine, Wis.), offers his take on how to keep your facilities, fans, players, coaches and administrators safe during an athletic event. In the second video, he urges athletic directors ...
7 Keys to Succeed as a First-Time Athletic Director
Arrowhead High School’s Kevin Flegner said he has evolved in his role as activities director over the years, citing increased patience, more research and deeper analysis prior to making decisions. He also began a practice of over-communicating to m...
The Importance of Communication
Sponsored By: The Importance of Communication Kevin Flegner, activities director at Arrowhead High School (Hartland, Wis.), emphasizes the importance of open communication and keeping everyone in the program working collectively toward maki...
Developing a Program That’s ’Cool’ to be in
Sponsored By: Developing a Program That’s 'Cool' to be in Steve Kostka, head girls track coach at Arrowhead High School (Hartland, Wis.), explains how the school has succeeded in making the track program cool to be in. That success ha...
Encouraging Open Dialogue
Sponsored By: Encouraging Open Dialogue St. Anthony Village High School (Minneapolis, Minn.) athletics and activities assistant Summer Minnich says open dialogue between coaches, parents and athletes promotes a healthy relationship and so...