sports medicine

July 14, 2010

SportsMed: Examining ACL injuries in athletes

Athletes in specific sports, as well as females, are at greater risk  "You have an ACL tear!” These are some of the most feared words an athlete or coach can hear. But when this injury occurs, what does it mean for the athlete and could this ...

April 22, 2010

Powerline: Serious strength requires serious training

Strength and power are two inextricably linked indices that are pursued incessantly by coaches and athletes on a year-round basis. These two physiological siblings are necessities in athletic development, skill improvement, body composition enhanceme...

February 3, 2010

Emphasizing strength training in women’s sports

Not too long ago, it seemed as if female strength training was on trial and had to be defended before and after every workout. Currently, we would all like to believe that it's a well-known and widely accepted fact that tough, aggressive, progress...