Poll: Is enough done to prevent illegal recruiting?

July 20, 2016 / Athletic AdministrationCoaching
In June, Coach & Athletic Director asked readers whether they believed state associations and schools were doing enough to fight illegal recruiting tactics at the prep level. Here are the results of our poll, along with a few of the comments.

Recruiting Poll• Districts and schools back off when lawsuits are threatened, so any muscle that an athletic agency might have gets eroded and the parent and athlete get their way. Where’s the lesson in this? The coach must also be part of the equation where they will NOT play the student/athlete illegally recruited…because many turn a blind eye and say “well it’s within the law.”

There is more emphasis on private school recruiting than public school recruiting. Public schools that have “open” enrollment often have the best players in their district at a single school based on the reputation of the team. They become a district all-star team more than an interscholastic team.

Open enrollment gives coaches in large public schools a significant recruiting advantage. If they see a kid they want who plays for another school in their district there is no penalty for that coach contacting that player. The kid can even be in a private school and convinced to transfer to the public school that is outside the players local high school as long as it’s in the same district. If a private school coach did the same thing it would be a recruiting violation.

Our urban public school school district has 12 high schools and 24 middle schools to draw from without causing a recruiting violation. Private schools can reach out to the middle schools but once a player reaches 9th grade they’re off limits to the private school in terms of recruitment.

AAU and other non-school related associations are a huge breeding ground for players and parents to recruit for the school season.

No. There is inappropriate contact from high school coaches with the junior high athletes in feeder schools. Most of the contact comes thru AAU or club teams that the high school coach is affiliated with.

Depends on the state. Michigan is really trying to prevent illegal recruiting.

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