CSU Launches Investigation into Athletics Program Mishandling of COVID-19 Policies
According to a story by The Denver Post, McConnell described the accusations as “deeply troubling” and “extremely serious” in a statement. Though no timetable has been released, McConnell did say her office will move swiftly and be transparent in sharing any obtained information.

The report from the Fort Collins Coloradoan was specifically referring to newly hired football coach, Steve Addazio, with sources accusing the former Boston College head coach and his staff threatened withholding playing time and scholarships for players who reported symptoms or were quarantined.
In a statement to The Denver Post, Addazio said he “fully” supports the investigation and that he wants “every student-athlete to have confidence that we are taking every possible measure to ensure their safety, and we will continue working with the training staff, the athletic department, and the university to evaluate and implement any additional steps necessary to live up to our high standards.”
Additionally, CSU athletic director Joe Parker said in a statement that he would “embrace’ McDonnell’s investigation.
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“If we learn that there are any employees of CSU Athletics who do not share Colorado State University’s commitment to student health and well-being above all else,” McConnell said to the Post. “We will address the issue immediately.”
CSU football slated to open their football season on September 26, the athletic department announced this week. Specific dates and matchups were not released.
To read the full story on the investigation of the CSU athletic department and football team from The Denver Post, click here.