New Mexico association can now punish schools for fan behavior

July 23, 2018 / Athletic AdministrationCoaching
High schools in New Mexico could now face consequences over unruly fans cheering or jeering their teams.

A new rule voted on and approved by the New Mexico Activities Association’s (NMAA) member schools allows the state organization to step in and impose penalties on high schools. The NMAA is unclear on what those penalties could be, but executive director Sally Marquez told the Albuquerque Journal there’s widespread agreement that there’s a sportsmanship problem across the state, and something needed to be done.

The new rule states: “A school is responsible for the conduct of its team, coaches, students, and fans at any interscholastic event. … The Executive Director may invoke penalties upon a member school for actions which violate the principles of ‘Compete With Class.'”

From the article:

The most egregious example of outlandish fan behavior to be found during the last school year — inside a venue — occurred at the state wrestling tournament. Two mothers, one from Belen and one from St. Pius, nearly caused a full-fledged brawl in the stands at the Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho, even as their sons were wrestling 30 feet in front of them.

Schools voted 59-12 in favor of the new rule. Marquez said in the event of bad behavior by fans, she would continue to work with schools and athletic directors to find a solution. If one can’t be decided upon, the NMAA would get involved.

Click here to read the full story.

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