Minneapolis student-athletes report higher GPA, grad rates

November 28, 2016 / Athletic AdministrationCoaching
Minneapolis Public Schools last year graduated 99 percent of student-athletes, a significantly higher rate than those who did not participate in interscholastic sports.

Backdown basketballThe Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that just seven of the district’s 666 student-athletes failed to graduate during the 2015-16 school year. The districtwide graduation rate was 64 percent last year and 88 percent the year prior. Student-athletes carried a 3.15 GPA.

Athletic directors at schools nationwide often find that student-athletes have higher graduation rates and GPAs than the rest of the student body. The theory is that those who take up sports are more committed to school and equipped to handle the work and hectic schedule of extracurriculars.

From the article:

The academic success of student-athletes is not unique to Minneapolis. A 2014 study from the University of Kansas found that high school student-athletes in the state attended school at higher percentages, graduated at higher rates and had higher test scores than their non-athlete counterparts. The takeaways from athletics — and the task to keep up good grades — boosts students’ tenacity, the study’s authors said.

Sports participation is “a big boost for everything involving school,” said Amy Cardarelle, Edison High School’s athletic director.

“They show up, they do the work, they understand what it takes to be dedicated to both athletics and academics,” she said.

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