athlete health

July 25, 2018

How heat acclimatization guidelines have made a difference

In 2009, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) and Korey Stringer Institute (KSI) spearheaded a task force that developed the Preseason Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines for Secondary School Athletics. David Csillan, a NATA member who...

July 22, 2018

Keeping locker rooms free of diseases and infections

The majority of coaches and athletes understand why they need to be cautious about locker room diseases and infections, but not all schools have policies to help keep them safe. MRSA and other diseases can derail a team’s season, forcing several...

January 12, 2018

Psychologically healing injured athletes

Because of the high demands placed on elite athletes, injury is virtually inescapable. With increasing early sport specialization comes a particular vulnerability to developmental and overuse injuries. In 2013, an estimated 27 million athletes be...

March 16, 2017

Four critical vitamins and minerals for athletes

Coaches and trainers often advise athletes to take supplements to meet the demands of workouts and competition. In reality, eating a varied diet is the simplest and most effective way to supply the body with the fuel and nutrients that it requires da...

September 23, 2016

Limited-contact rules making a difference with concussions

Limiting contact during high school football practices was undoubtedly going to reduce head-impact exposure for athletes, but we were unsure just how much. Now, we finally have an idea. A new study published in the July edition of the Journal ...

August 29, 2016

SportsMed: Platelet-rich plasma in sports

The potential of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of sports injuries has been increasingly investigated in recent years. Chronic tendon injuries and sprained knees appear to respond positively to this type of treatment. Famous athletes ...

April 22, 2010

Powerline: Serious strength requires serious training

Strength and power are two inextricably linked indices that are pursued incessantly by coaches and athletes on a year-round basis. These two physiological siblings are necessities in athletic development, skill improvement, body composition enhanceme...

February 3, 2010

Emphasizing strength training in women’s sports

Not too long ago, it seemed as if female strength training was on trial and had to be defended before and after every workout. Currently, we would all like to believe that it's a well-known and widely accepted fact that tough, aggressive, progress...